Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What is Network?


Network is a group of tow or more connected devices.

There are basically three types of Network :

1.) Local area Network (LAN)
2.) Wide area Network(WAN)
3.) Metropolitan area Network ( MAN)

Now what are this types  :

1.) Local area Network (LAN) :

Local area network or LAN is collection of connected computers in limited area such as buildings ,Schools ,offices etc.

It is very useful in corporate,schools for creating their own network.

in this type of network the computers are connected with each other through cable and controlled by router or HUB. router and HUB are connected to server. 
LAN s are typically used for single sites where people need to share resources among themselves but not with the rest of the outside world.

Hub is a network  hardware device for connecting multiple lan cable devices together and its work as a single network.

2.) Wide area network (WAN) :

 A Wide area network is a computer Network that can be establish in large geographical area with less cable and circuits.

This type of network is use for connecting different states or country's and work as single network.

World Wide WEB (WWW) is a one type of WAN network. everyone is aware form WWW .

This network type is also useful for University,Business,Bank etc. to create large network for cover their all branches form different states and country. 

Monday, 15 February 2016

What is Internet...?

The internet is use to send information from one computer to another computer around the world.

In simple words internet is one type of wired or wireless network that connect all computers ,mobile devices to each other for Shearing the  information ,data or files quickly all over the world.

Now there is one question is coming  in your  mind that is What is network? m i right ....

so here is your answer Network is group of connected devices that shares the information.

Network is one kind of platform for communication between devices. 

what is the mening of Information Technology...?

Information Technology is an application  related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies.

In simple words every thing runs on internet,work with internet or connected to internet that is  information technology.

In Other words I.T is provides you one platform that allows you to work dynamically  by seating in one corner through all over the world.

Now a days Information Technology is fastest growing filed in this competitive world to work more easily ,effectively and faster.

As all we use social networking sites like Facebook,twitter etc.. mobile applications are one type of information technology. 

There is so many sub fields in Information Technology such as:

-Software engineering
-Hardware and networking
-cloud computing
-Web Developing
-animation etc..
I hop i will make you clear about Information Technology.this is my first blog so please write review for me and let me know about my first try .

thank you.