Monday 15 February 2016

what is the mening of Information Technology...?

Information Technology is an application  related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies.

In simple words every thing runs on internet,work with internet or connected to internet that is  information technology.

In Other words I.T is provides you one platform that allows you to work dynamically  by seating in one corner through all over the world.

Now a days Information Technology is fastest growing filed in this competitive world to work more easily ,effectively and faster.

As all we use social networking sites like Facebook,twitter etc.. mobile applications are one type of information technology. 

There is so many sub fields in Information Technology such as:

-Software engineering
-Hardware and networking
-cloud computing
-Web Developing
-animation etc..
I hop i will make you clear about Information Technology.this is my first blog so please write review for me and let me know about my first try .

thank you.

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