Thursday, 28 December 2017

Clients and Servers

Clients and Servers :

The client server model is very important relationship in networking filed. There are two terms in these model first one is client and second one is server.This relationship is basically work on request and resonance approach.

1) Client :
 Basically clients role in this relationship is that client  request to server for provide service.there are multiple clients in single network, which  request to server for provide service to them.

2) Server:
 server stands for provide services to client on the bases of request given by clients. now  the thing is what is server? so server is just normal computer system which provide services to other systems that called server.

Example :
When a Locale customer accesses online hotel booking services with a web browser (the client), the client initiates a request to the Hotel web server. The customer's login credentials  are stored in a database, and the web server accesses the database server as a client. An  application server interprets the returned data by applying the hotels's business logic, and  provides the output to the web server. Finally, the web server returns the result to the client  web browser for display.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, such a great article as expected. Great work keep it up.
